We are proud to announce that from our donation campaign in February, we were able to raise $708.00 for the BC Wildlife Park! Thank you to everyone who decided to support this local cause and purchase a bottle of wine in our Tasting Room and through our website. It is amazing to be a part of a community that cares so much!
With these funds, we are able to support a special permanent resident of the BC Wildlife Park; Bloom the badger. If you wish to donate further, visit their website at https://www.bcwildlife.org/how-we-help.htm.
We have recently learned that badgers are an endangered species here in the Thompson Valley. A huge factor in their population struggles is highways. “The difficulty that badgers face is that their home ranges, while mostly based in grassland habitats, are very large and often straddle major transportation corridors.” – Badgers in BC, Dedicated to the Conservation of Badgers in British Columbia.
Many have been killed along HWY 1 and HWY 97 and we want to part a part of the solution to reduce highway mortality and you can too! Reducing highway speeds and being on the lookout for wildlife are two simple things you can do to help. Learn more at http://badgers.bc.ca/badgers-highways/